At Beit Chesed, we hold to the traditional belief that studying Torah is the highest form of worship. We also believe that the ancient rabbis enlighten areas where the Torah appears not to give detail. Many of the details of how something was done were passed down orally generation to generation. Much of this insight can be gleaned through the discussions of the rabbis in the Talmud and other Jewish writings.
Presently, with modern technology, there are many sources of information on the Internet. We stress care to be taken when searching because not all islaid out with a Jewish framework from Scripture, with authentic knowledge in Hebrew, and respect for the Jewish traditions. The authorship is important.
There are many books that we can recommend, some with minor disclaimers, and some wholeheartedly. You can contact Beit Chesed for suggestions in reading on various topics. We can recommend both Jewish and Messianic Jewish sources.
If you are searching for a Bible, we recommend those containing the ancient languages of Hebrew and Aramaic. For our weekly studies, we use the Chumash for the Torah portions and the Aramaic English New Testament (currently not in print) for the Writings. We pray these recommendations will be a blessing to you.
Rabbi Nosson Scherman
Etheridge, Murdock, &Lamsa
Parallel New Testament
Abraham Cohen
Everyman's Talmud
Rabbi Eric Tokajer
Galatians in Context
Beit Chesed Messianic Congregation
60059 US 11
Slidell, LA 70458
© 2025 Beit Chesed
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